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Cloning Lab - 8cc2bb17d1a8b3aff4ff8184c6ce8d5f

Cloning Lab

Product Information



It's time for a staple of any Sci-Fi story: the Cloning Lab. Your players start in locked rooms and must solve puzzles to enter the lab, where they discover the horror of cloning experiments. Use empty pod variations to customize the clones—perhaps a room of player character replicas? Are the cloning experiments on the brink of unleashing chaos? Can the party stop the clones before it's too late, or will they face themselves in battle? The cloning pods could be hiding anything.

The Cloning Lab map pack contains 22 files

Map size 33 × 56
Variations Original Day, Original Night, Alert, Breached, Breached Massacre, Corporate, Cryo Prison, Empty Day, Empty Night, Empty Pods Day, Empty Pods Night, Frozen, Gigeresque, Goblin, Massacre, Motherpod, No Pods, Portal Hell, Portal Space, Primus, Shutdown, Undermarket
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